Sunday 26 April 2009

Thursday 9 April 2009

Saturday 14 March 2009

Sweet Paper

The settings in this photo was shutter speed 1/60, exposure 5.6 and the ISO was 250. This photo was taken in color unlike the others ones i did which was black & white. This is another picture i like a lot because i was standing at entrance of a tunnel and i zoomed my lens in so i could snap the distanced building. When i snapped it a part of my lens was in the tunnel so it was able to capture some parts of the darkness in the tunnel and again this gave the photo an effect.


The settings for this photo was shutter speed set at 1/60 and the exposure was 7.1. Also the ISO was set at 100 and in black & white mode. Most of the photos i took was set with no flash because the light was bright and with the flash on it would have made the photos too light so i just used the environment light and i think this worked. I think this is one of the best photos i took in this current assignment, i say this because i like the way i was able to freeze the man changing the display board and also capture the moving lorry giving it a blur effect.


The settings in this photo was shutter speed set at 1/80 and the aperture was set at 9.0 and black & white mode. I like this photo because the contrast and exposure of the photo is strong and works well with the lighting and the area i focused on. I also think the dark and light colors on the shop helped or made the photo better because it gives it a strong depth in terms of quality.

Friday 6 March 2009


This was another creative photo i took, i actually took a few others but out them this is the one i think is more creative in terms of exposure and compostion. What i like about this photo is the exposure and lighting effects, there are some dark areas but where its dark the light makes up for it and although the background is dark too im still visable so i think the settings worked well to create the effect. The shutter speed was set at 1/13 the aperture was 5.0 and the ISO was set at 400.

Wednesday 4 March 2009


Out of all the photos i took this is the most creative one because i feel a lot of things are going on in the photo. The first thing you can see or tell is the exposure levels are high because the background is very light and i didn't use the flash option. Secondly i was able to focus the camera at my shoulder length view, when looking at the background you can see it makes me stand out more because the background has a blurred effect .


This photo was taken with a faster shutter speed of 1/125 so i could freeze the car while it was moving at a high speed, looking at the picture i think i managed to do that. The aperture was f 8.0 and again the image was black and white. If you look closely at the background on the image you can see where i focused on the car and froze the speed it was going at a part of the background i managed to add blur giving it a more better effect for the main focus of the car.


This photo was taken with a lower shutter speed to create the motion blur effect, i wanted to capture the front part of the car so i could create a blur effect just as the car was coming into focus with my camera. The Shutter speed was 1/80, the aperture was F 10 and the image was set at black and white. Not only did i manage to capture the in coming corsa but if you look in the background you can see i was able to capture the other cars including the person walking towards the traffic lights so this was a photo with a few things happening.

Sunday 1 March 2009

Da Good.....

This is another photo i took that came out good the mood of the model is right, the lighting is set right the settings on the camera is right so again for me this is another strong photo i snapped.

Da Bad.....

This is a bad picture for obvious reasons, the shutter speed was too slow and i moved the camera while taking the photo. In my opinion the photo would have been good if i set the shutter speed at a more faster rate and the exposure at a higher level.

Da Good.....

This is one of my best photos i snapped, everything in the photo seems to have paid off the composition, exposure, aperture, focus etc everything was captured in good balance. Its also a strong picture because the models expression looks serious so it works well with the background shadows and capturing that moment itself, in all i think its one of the best i snapped.

Friday 27 February 2009

Da Bad.....

This is a bad photo for the reason its blurry and the shutter speed was to slow and i didn't focus the lens on a particular area i just took a quick snap and because its a SLR camera it takes more control to get the right kind of picture you want and i don't think i did that thus the bad image.

Da Good.....

I like this photo because not only is the lighting and composition good but i like the way i captured a it with part of the screen light featured in the picture, you can see the shadow on the green screen and around the background of the green screen.

Saturday 21 February 2009


I took this photo of my finger because i wanted to capture it close up with out having to zoom in too close and also i wanted the background to be faded at a distance so its just the finger im focusing on. I manged to do this with the shutter speed was set to 1/80 and the aperture set to 6.3.


The main focus of the photo is the L.A sign and how i was able to capture this with the background distanced making the L.A logo more effective. Along with the flash the shutter speed was set to 1/80 and the aperture was set to f 6.3

Distanced window

When i took this photo i intended on capturing the top part of the window and thats what i did, with the top half of the outside balcony in the distance i was able to get the main focus of the photo the window lines. The shutter speed was set at 1/125 and the aperture was set at 5.6.

Black Mouse

The focus point is the mouse in this photo and how i am trying to capture the distance between this ad the keyboard. the lighting levels is high because of the flash in this photo the shutter speed wass set to 1/60 and the aperture is set o 5.6. If you look closely some parts of the mouse is out if focus that was becauce if the aperture levels.

Sweet Paper

In this photo i was focusing on the sweet paper but at angle where the background was faded plus the shutter speed was set at 1/125 and the aperture was set at 5.6

Fading Distance

In this picture you can see the main part is the stairs pattern going downwards and how it fades into the distance, i also took this photo in black and white with the flash on and the shutter speed set to 1/100. The aperture was set to 5.6.

White lines

I wanted to focus on the main part of the stairs but also capture the distance of the other part. I zoomed in bit on the main part but still managed to get the other part of the stairs, the aperture was set to to 5.6, exposure was set to +2.0 and the shutter speed was set at 1/100.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Fading light

Again i think this is potentially another dull boring photo it has sum contrast but i dont think its evenly balanced so it doesnt work well with the picture. Also the reflection of the flash on the white board from the camera doesnt go well with the photo, there doesnt seem to be any connection and i think this spoils the mood.


This is one of the bad photos i took, reason why it is a bad picture is because again the contrast is not set right and i dnt think i focused the camera on what i wanted to actually capture. I think the reason is because its too dark so it makes the picture dull and boring this could be one of the reasons what spoils the mood of the picture aswell as it not been snapped good.


This picture could have been good but the contrast is really bad its hard for you to see clearly what i was actually taking a photo of, you can tell its the hats im focusing on but its not a good picture in my opinion not good enough to publish!

This photo isnt too bad but i dont think the idea i wanted to do worked,the reason why i say it didnt work is bacause the areas which sould be darker didnt show and the there is not much tone and shadings maybe because i didnt change the settings properly or the angle in which the shadows didnt stand out, i think its too light not enough contrast....

Upside down legs

I think this photo doesnt work too well, i think it doesnt work well because its a bit too dark and as well as it being taken upside down i think the composition wasnt well considered and it looks too boring with nothin interesting happening just a pair of feet on show.......!

White Car

I like this photo the most out of all of the ones i took because i snapped this photo looking out of the window of my bathroom and it was raining, you can see this in photo with the rain drops on or around the camera. My main focus was to get the white car and i think i did that with the help of the white light shinning in that direction. Also with help of the cars around it not being bright or having lighter colours. I changed the camera settings and i think i got the right picture i wanted..........